Featured Vid #13 – Budweiser “Lost Dog”

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For the 13th featured video of the day, I’ve picked Budweiser’s

2015 Budweiser Super Bowl ad “Lost Dog”

For the third year in a row, Budweiser has brought the Super Bowl commercial house down with their classic Clydesdales horses/Golden Retriever puppy advertisement. Without exact comparison, you can’t really tell the difference between last year’s and this year’s ad, but then again, how can you go wrong with a heartwarming story about majestic horses and a cute puppy.

No seriously, this ad campaign is the best one by Budweiser probably ever, beside for the fact that it has nothing to do with beer at all. But still, it has become a total viral success, rated the best ad by USA Today’s Ad Meter two years in a row, and last year’s ad has 55 million views on Youtube. Why. Just Why.

Anyhow, it still is a very heartwarming and touching story. And that’s why is has earned its spot in my (in no certain order) top three ads of this year’s Super Bowl. Although I do feel like a stereotypical internet American, goggling over cute puppies, I just can’t help feeling scared when that wolf comes around the corner.

In case you’re wondering, here’s last year’s Clydesdales commercial:

Also, if you want to see my other two picks for best ad, they are:

Clash Of Clans’ Ad – Revenge

Mophie’s Ad – All Powerless


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