Featured Vid #26 – Do Cell Phones Cause Brain Tumors?

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There are now more cell phones on the earth than the amount of human beings using them. That fact alone is incredibly surprising. Of course, with such a big worldwide technological breakthrough and revolution going on, there has to be some people either doubting it or thinking it has some bad side effects. And that has certainly cropped up with cell phones, a big rumor going around saying that cell phone radiation causes brain tumors. But the real question is: is the rumor true?

I’m not going to directly tell you the answer to the question, as not even Derek Muller knows with absolute certainty. But, I can tell you that there have been many studies about this topic, a some say there is an increase in the likelihood of you developing a brain tumor and some saw otherwise. We are sure that the radiation from cell phones alone isn’t enough, as it is non-ionizing (meaning it can’t rip electrons off atoms, being harmless) and are practically the same as microwave radiation.

I know one thing for certain: I’m really hoping for the answer to be it doesn’t cause cancer, because I would have a really hard time limiting myself.

I’ll let you find out the rest for yourself, as I quite like the way Derek explains it. But, if you would like to see where he got much of the data for the video, go to THIS article by FiveThirtyEight. But watch the video first! (the title of the article gives it away immediately)