Featured Vid #101 – Upside Down Mountains in Real Life

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It sounds crazy, but did you know there can actually be upside down mountains? Of course, not literally upside down mountains, but if you think about it in the way that Henry Reich of MinutePhysics did in his recent video, you will see that actually 2/3 of all mountains don’t follow the classic jagged cone shape.

Henry explains, in the great MinutePhysics way, that if you think of an upside down mountain as being one with more surface area on the top than on the bottom, as surface area is all humans really care about, than upside down mountains are actually not that rare. In fact, plenty of mountains are in a bunch of weird configurations, such as first big, then small, then big, or first small, then big. Who knew, that if you just looked at them from a whole new perspective mounds of rock could be so interesting.

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