Channel Showcase: Vsauce

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Science. Education. History. Interesting things in general. Each of these topics is a common theme for many channels on YouTube, from asap Science to Crash Course to Matthew Santoro, but no channel combines these topics under one channel, even sometimes in one video, better than Vsauce. Run by Michael Stevens, Vsauce is a channel dedicated to making videos that allow you to learn new things of all sorts, from “The Science Of Awkwardness, to “Human Extinction, to “Is All Fair In Love And War?“. As it says in the “about” section of Vsauce’s channel: “our world is amazing”, and Vsauce intends to create videos to explore every last bit of it, and beyond. 

Started in 2007, Vsauce is the first in a group of three channels: Vsauce, Vsauce2, and Vsauce3, each hosted by different people and about slightly different topics. And while Vsauce2 (who I featured HERE!) and Vsauce3 are both amazing channels, that doesn’t take away from the fact that Vsauce is the most popular and integrated part of the Youtube science community. With a little over 9 million subscribers and a total of roughly 839 million views, Vsauce has grown to a point where it is single-handedly responsible for educating millions upon millions of people, and continue to do so every week.


What makes Vsauce’s videos so captivating and interesting is the way Michael tells the stories. And that’s what they feel like too; stories, rather than just plain information being stuffed into my eyeballs and ears. Even when he strays from topic to topic, which happens quite a lot in some videos, he always makes it interesting and equally as fun to watch as in the videos where he stays on topic. It’s really incredible actually, you just have to watch it for yourself to know what I mean.

For example, above is a great video by Vsauce called, and I’m not kidding, m͏̺͓̲̥̪í͇͔̠ś̷͎̹̲̻̻̘̝t̞̖͍͚̤k̥̞à̸͕̮͍͉̹̰͚̰ẹ̶̢̪s͏̨͈̙̹̜͚̲ ̛̬͓͟. If you can see through the symbols and icons, the title of the video is “mistakes”. The video is about mistakes of any and every kind, and takes you on a journey through the interesting history of mistakes. From Hitler to Archimedes, mistakes are a deep part of human nature and society, and this video does an amazing job of telling you all about these mistakes. And even though the video doesn’t really have a plotline or main meaning behind it, it’s still a fascinating and interesting video. 


Another video by Vsauce that is one of my personal favorites is his video called “Risk.”, which is about, as you can guess, risk and risk assessment. Although, unlike mistakes, Michael stays pretty much on topic throughout the whole video, it is still quite interesting and really gets you thinking about how you assess risk. From psychology to statistics, Michael dives deep into the topic, and completely immerses you in the information.  You can watch it HERE.

Overall, Vsauce is a wonderful channel to subscribe to if you are someone who is eager to learn interesting things about our world. Vsauce is the perfect channel to watch a video and then have a long discussion about the topic with a friend, or think about on a long drive. I have learned so much by just watching Vsauce videos as they come out, and so will you. The videos are interesting, captivating, and one of the best way to casually learn amazing things in the entire internet.

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