Featured Vid #158 – Our Greatest Delusion

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Warming: this video is very deep. Prepare to dive into the meaning of life and more.

I’m just going to get straight to the point here. You will die someday, and nothing you do, unless you change the course of humanity substantially. But even then, compared to the length of time itself, from Big Bang onward, you are insignificant.

Ok. Got that out of the way. Essentially, this is the foundation upon which this great video by Veritasium is built, going deep, as I said, into the meaning of life. From rocks to Nihilism, Derek Muller talks about what he calls “Our Greatest Delusion”, as the title says: the delusion that we are, not physically but in some other way, inmortal. That something we do will stand the test of time. For his new documentary Uranium – Twisting The Dragon’s Tail, Derek went to Chernobyl, where he had many of there thoughts about humanity’s delusion of immortality. The city is so rundown and overtaken by nature it is said to sometimes cause insanity if you stay there to long, and Derek related this to our feelings of imortality. It’s a wonder of a video, very informative, captivating, and certainly eye-opening.

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