Featured Vid #159 – Escape From (Dull) Exposition

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In books and especially movies, there is one big was that you can put off a reader or viewer: bad exposition. Exposition is the revealing of critical plot points or information in a way that the watcher can understand, but at the same time works the reveal into the story. For example, a dull exposition would be like two main characters talking and happen to stumble upon conversation topics critical to the exposition. Boring, dull, and just not good storytelling. In this great video by RocketJump Film School, you’ll learn all about good and bad exposition, in one of the best ways I could imagine: a dramatic criminal/interviewer scene.

Basically, the video is about these two characters, the criminal and the interviewer. The interviewer needs help with exposition, and wants the criminal to help him. And through, you guessed it, good exposition, you the scene tells you all you need to know about exposition at the same time as telling a gripping story. Overall a brilliant way of teaching film and writing techniques, and a fun video to watch even if you aren’t interested in filmmaking.

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