Featured Vid #165 – This Much Will Kill You

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Have you ever thought that you could possibly die by playing music too loud? Or eating too much chocolate? It’s weird, but if you eat, drink, or do too much of pretty much anything there is a good chance it may be fatal. For instance, drinking 6 liters (around 12 glasses) of water at one time can cause serious brain damage. In the video above, by Asap Science, you will learn all what too much of many things are, from holding your breath to elevation above sea level.

And as it turns out, for most things you will pretty much never reach the point to which it may become deadly, such as staying awake for 20 days straight. But, for other things, the fatal amount is much closer than you may think. For eating cherry seeds, which nobody does anyway, but it’s still only 3 because of the cyanide within the seed. Altogether, the video is very interesting, and tells you all about things in your daily life that you never knew could be fatal.

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