Featured Vid #189 – Jelly Tennis

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Some things are just fun to watch in slow motion. The Slow Mo Guys, Gav and Dan, have a great job: for a living, the film interesting and fun things in slow motion and put it on YouTube. They’ve filmed giant water balloons popping, they’ve filmed exploding watermelons, and now they’ve taken on jello. But not just any old jello; jello as it’s being hit with a tennis racket. We can only imagine what that would look like in slow motion, as the holes in the racket would certainly prove tricky for the jello to pass through unscathed, and luckily for us Gav and Dan are here to satisfy our curiosity. (as I assume you are as curious as I am about what that would look like)

As they explain in the video, Gav and Dan ran across a picture of jello after being hit through a tennis racket, and decided to recreate that image in slow motion themselves. The result is an amazing and fun video, a recreation of the jello/tennis racket image, with a little Slow Mo Guys touch as well.


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