Featured Vid #280 – The Last Star in the Universe

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Sometimes, science can result in some pretty bleak predictions. Over the years, astronomy has let us learn many amazing things about the universe around us, from black holes, to pulsars, to the recently “discovered” (inffered) 9th planet in our solar system. But it has also allowed us to see into the future, so far in fact, that we can predict with fairly good accuracy when the end of the universe will be upon us. Don’t worry, it’s not anytime soon. The way we can do that is by predicting how long it will take for the longest living star to burn out, a red dwarf, and then assuming that no life will be able to live without the any light in the universe.

The video above tells you all about red dwarfs, the long-living tortoises of the universe. As it turns out, red dwarfs are much more interesting than you might think. From their unique way of fusing hydrogen and helium to the very reason they are kept alive longer than any other star in the first place, the video explains why we should be interested in red dwarfs in a fascinating, easy-to-understand way.

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