Featured Vid #356 – The Worst Designed Things You’ve You’ve Never Noticed

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Flags can often be a symbol of pride for the citizens of a nation, city, or organization; a symbol behind which they can rally. While most people don’t know more than at most ten to twenty flags, national flags can often be important embodiments the ideals, the people, the goals of a country in one rectangular conglomeration of pretty shapes and colors. On the national level, countries’ flags are revered, honored, and usually well-loved. But as Roman Mars, host of the podcast 99% Invisible, talks about in his hilarious and informative TED talk, that same attention often isn’t given to city flags.

In the talk, Roman Mars goes over some examples of good and bad civic (and national) flags, what makes for a good and bad flag in the first place, and issues a call for action to help save many of the terrible US city flags across the nation. If you’ve never thought twice about flags before at all, let alone city flags, this TED talk may motivate care just a little bit more about your city flag, perhaps even, if it’s bad, fight to change it.

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