Featured Vid #412 – Death From Space: Gamma-Ray Bursts Explained

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We are all constantly surrounded by electromagnetic radiation of all kinds. Obviously, we’re most familiar with visible light, as it’s the type of radiation that humans evolved to detect. Most of us are familiar with a couple other kinds of electromagnetic radiation as well, such as microwave, infrared, and more. Visible light is right in the middle of the spectrum, with radio waves on the lower end and (the topic of today’s featured video) gamma rays at the high end.

Gamma rays, being on the highest-energy form of electromagnetic radiation, tend to be much more dangerous than visible light or really any other form or radiation there is. While ionizing radiation, which is radiation that has enough energy to rip electrons off of atoms, are dangerous to humans, gamma rays in large quantities are more like the laser weapon attached the to Death Star in Star Wars. Not something you want to mess with. In the fascinating video above, made by Kurzgesagt, you’ll learn all about gamma rays, why they’re dangerous, and how we may be in danger of what they call “death from space” right now.

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