Featured Vid #104 – The Fermi Paradox Part II

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Before I say anything else, go watch the Fermi Paradox video part 1, made by Kurzgesagt, the same channel from which today’s featured video is from. That video explains a lot of the specifics and background for what you need to know in this video. I actually featured not to long ago click HERE to watch it. It’s really interesting.

So, now that you’ve watched the video linked above, you know what the Fermi Paradox is, and have a decent enough understanding of it to really ponder it for a little bit. In this video, a follow-up video by Kurgesagt to their first Fermi Paradox video, talks about some ways that would explain the lack of aliens around us. From extreme sci-fi third-level alien civilizations, to just the extreme inconvenience of communication with alien species, this video covers many possibilities that frankly should all have sci-fi books or movies written about them.

Overall, a great video, with amazing animation, thought-provoking content, and an excellent explanation to a reason that the Fermi Paradox doesn’t necessarily mean we as humans are alone in the universe.



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