Featured Vid #194 – All Time Champions League XI

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Soccer, or football to most people, is undoubtedly the biggest and most popular sport in the world. To those of you who aren’t familiar to soccer, then first of all you probably won’t find this video very interesting or as cool as it is to those of us who do. But I might as well try to explain it, as you may get something out of it. Soccer is played in leagues, and each country has their own league. Every year, many of the largest countries in Europe send a couple teams to a major tournament called the Champions League that is essentially the most exciting soccer event aside from the World Cup that is regularly held.

As the Champions League has been running for 60 years now, soccer-based YouTube channel called Copa90 decided to make a video that details what they think should be the all-time Champions League starting team. Copa90 took stats from every tournament, about all the best players, and created a starting VI that would for sure destroy any team put against them. And it’s not easy to take all the incredibly talented players who graced the Champions League and make one 11 player team out of them, but with the help of stats I think Copa90 did a pretty good job.

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