Featured Vid #266 – How Donald Trump Answers A Question

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There’s no doubt that the 2016 presidential election has brought us something that surely nobody expected: Donald Trump as a presidential candidate, and one that has been doing fairly well in the polls. Running for the republican ticket, Donald Trump has constantly been making headlines in the news, mostly for the frequently outrageous things he says. But nevertheless, he has been polling pretty well, at the higher end of the republican race. Whether he’ll stay there is up for speculation, but one might wonder how we has got there in the first place. This video by The Nerdwriter analyses one of Trump’s interesting attributes: his use of language.

In the video, The Nerdwriter takes a short sample of an answer Trump gave on Jimmy Kimmel’s late-night talk show. He was responding to the question, “Isn’t it un-American and wrong to discriminate against people based on their religion?” The contents of his answer aside, the video analyses Trump’s grammar, his sentence construction, and even which words he decides to use. While you may not think grammar would have much of an impact on a candidate’s popularity, this video argues that there may be more behind Trump’s use of language than you might think.

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