Featured Vid #21 – Immovable Object Vs. Unstoppable Force?

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Adjectives can be tricky sometimes, especially when being thought of in a purely scientific way. Words like “immovable” and “unstoppable” always mess up physics word problems, because when you think of it, there is no such thing that is truly “immovable” or “unstoppable”.

But, when you take a close approximation of what “unstoppable” and “immovable” really mean, that’s when the physics gets interesting. This is what Minute Physics explores in their video, aptly titled video “Immovable Object VS. Unstoppable Force – Which Wins?” Hopefully you know a little physics, because this video does actually go into some totally logical physics equations explaining exactly what “immovable” and “unstoppable” really mean.

Henry Reich, the guy behind Minute Physics, is probably one of the smartest guys on Youtube, and creates some of the best educational videos for physics. So yeah, I’ll be definitely featuring more of him.