Featured Vid #22 – Crossguard Lightsaber Explained

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Star Wars fans everywhere have been freaking out over the release of an 80 second trailer for their new movie coming in November – I’m sure you’ve seen it. During the trailer, and mysterious man in a black cloak reveals his brand-spanking new red lightsaber! And it does look pretty dang cool, but even non-fanatics stop to think: How would that be helpful? It seems hard to handle and increases the risk of accidentally stabbing yourself, but also it seems pretty easy to just chop off the crossguard by going through the little mechanical section in the middle, defeating the whole purpose.


In the video above, The Warp Zone comically tells us the actual story behind the new lightsaber. And I have to say: no matter what explanation the movie gives, as they have to give one, it can’t possibly be better than the explanation given in this video.