Featured Vid #52 – Is Obamacare Working?

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We’ve all heard about Obamacare; whether it was because of the website mini-scandal, or because you yourself actually have Obamacare. But, the question we all want to know: are our tax dollars being put to good use? Is Obamacare actually working?

Well, it’s a long story. That’s why John Green made a video about it on his shared channel with his brother Hank Green, Vlogbrothers. And the answer is also tricky. Although we in the US still pay more than any other country for our healthcare, we still don’t have universal healthcare, which many first-world countries now have. But, as John says, we do are getting closer. At least, we’ve improved.

If you want to know the whole gist of it, we in the USA are paying more than anyone else for a healthcare system that is not quite yet at the standard of other country’s cheaper systems. Sigh. Politics.

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