Featured Vid #82 – The Backwards Brain Bicycle

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It may seem like riding a bicycle is something you can never unlearn. Once you learn how to ride a bicycle when you are a child, it is something you will never unlearn. Right?

Well, not really. Sure, it’s a skill that sticks with you as long as you continue to occasionally ride a bike. But what if you, as Destin from Smarter Every Day does in today’s featured video, try to unlearn how to ride a bike? In the video, Destin tries to learn how to ride a bike with an inverted steering system. Not only does he prove that this is possible, to overwrite previous muscle memory, but he shows that children’s brains are more susceptible to change than adult’s, as his kid learns how to ride the backwards bike months faster than Destin did. Overall, it’s a great video, documenting Destin’s interesting experiment about if you really can unlearn and relearn how to ride a bike.

Just to intice you into watching the video: yes, you can unlearn your bike-riding skills. Now watch the video.

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