Featured Vid #167 – 50 AMAZING Facts to Blow Your Mind!

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The Internet is a place full of information. From scholarly texts on frogs to how-tos on origami, you can learn pretty much anything on the Internet. But, there is a ton of knowledge out there, and that’s why people like Matthew Santoro, who can distill that knowledge down to short, interesting facts can capture such large audiences.

Today’s featured video is the latest installment in Matthew Santoro’s 50 Amazing Facts To Blow Your Mind series. In the video he tells you, well… 50 amazing facts that will blow your mind. For instance, did you know that Rockefeller’s estate was worth 1.5 times the economic output of the whole United States? Or that when injected with stem cells, white mice lived more than 3 times their normal life span, and if that type of technique could work on humans we could live to more than 200. That is only a tiny fraction of all the amazing facts that Mattew explains during the video, so as he said at the start of the video, “prepare to get slapped in the face by the flippers of knowledge.”

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