Featured Vid #237 – Spooky Coincidences

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Spooky coincidences happen all around us. We may encounter an odd coincidence ourselves, or we find it on the Internet, as the Internet loves things like that, but either way the coincidences are always, well, kinda spooky. For instance, Lee Harvey Oswald, the man who assassinated the then-president John F. Kennedy, once said the words “on the Fair Play Of Cuba” on tape. When played backwards, you can make out the words “I wish to kill president”, which he later did. Or that the speed of light matches exactly, digit to digit, with the coordinates to the Pyramids of Giza.

Spooky, right? Well, not really. After all, they are just coincidences, and don’t really mean anything. Still, we can’t help but wonder with some of the “coincidences” if there is something more going on that we don’t know. But, as Michael from Vsauce explains in this video, humans are hardwired to find coincidences like these even if we don’t mean to. So although we may be creeped out by some coincidence you come across, you can be pretty much sure that it’s just your brain connecting dots that aren’t really there.

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