Featured Vid #260 – The Science Of Motivation

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At this time of year, motivation is something a lot of us probably need. 7 days into 2016, we are coming close to the time where your ambition resolutions you made at the start of the year start becoming harder and harder to keep up. In fact, 45% percent of people end up dropping their New Year’s resolutions after only a month. But never fear! If you still haven’t dropped your resolutions, or simply need to more motivation to keep going strong, today’s featured video will give you helpful tips backed by science that will keep your motivation high throughout 2016.

Titled “The Science Of Motivation”, the video by AsapScience talks about how to stay motivated, strategies to not break your resolutions, what makes good resolutions in general, and more. As always, the animation is great, in the classic AsapScience style, and the content is explained in an easy to understand and interesting way.

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