Featured Vid #274 – Billionaires and Radical Hope

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Last week, the World Economic Forum was held in the small town of Davos, Switzerland. The World Economic Forum is a place where major world leaders, CEOs, and powerful people, basically the people who run the planet, meet and discuss the state of the world economy and how we can make it better (as well as acquiring other companies, making business deals, and promoting one’s own company). This year, author, YouTuber, and half of the duo vlogbrothers John Green attended the conference, invited as a guest to speak on his various philanthropic ventures, such as the Project For Awesome and others. While in Davos, John filmed an addition to the vlogbrother’s series Thoughts From Places, in which John and Hank, well… have thoughts from places around the globe.

In this case, John’s thoughts from Davos, Switzerland were mostly focused on the World Economic Forum, along with the people who attended the forum and the ideas discussed there. Being an author and someone naturally good with words, John does a great job of telling a story of his trip to Davos and the thoughts he had of the conference. The video is not only entertaining but also interesting and thought-provoking, enlightening us on the thoughts of someone in a unique position and intellect to share his experience of the conference with us, the normal people of the world.

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