Featured Vid #317 – History Of Japan

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WARNING: the video above contains a couple swear words in it, although if that doesn’t bother you then you’ll find it very funny. But if it does, then I would recommend not watching the video.

Traditionally, history has not been many people’s favorite subject in school. It’s like math or English; it’s pretty rare to find someone who likes it. Of course, that depends on if you have a good history teacher or not, as I have a great history teacher and look forward to it every week. But many people don’t, and because of that history has grown a bad rap of just memorizing obscure and irrelevant dates in order to pass some stupid test. The following video, titled “history of japan“, is a marvelous, psychedelic, and stupendously informative and hilarious video on, well, the history of japan.

Made by Bill Wurtz, who now has 225,000 subscribers because of this one video, history of japan covers the entire history of japan from the year -1 billion up until the current day. His unique style and comedy makes this video very entertaining and still informative, which is something not many people can manage. Altogether, Bill Wurtz made a masterpiece in this video, a wonderful, fun, and interesting educational video covering the history of the island of Japan.


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