Featured Vid #8 – What If Humans Disappeared?

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For the eighth featured video of the day, I’ve picked Asap Science’s

What If Humans Disappeared?

As humans continue to build and construct bigger and bigger structures, dams, power plants, cities, stadiums, roads and more, it seems like our legacy on Earth will live on and on. We won’t just be some small interesting development that evolution created on the side, before actually creating the great species that will rule the universe.

Right? I mean, we’ve already visited the moon, and the bottom of the ocean, and the top of the tallest mountain. What kind of species could evolution create that’s better than us? Well, we have no clue. The species could fly, be telepathic, or just be plain smarter than us. But that’s not the point. What would last of our amazing existence, if we were to just disappear?

That exact point is what is discussed in Asap Science’s new video, and I have to say, it’s pretty demoralizing. There’s one quote that I believe sums up our attitude towards creating a better world, and leaving something behind better than lots of rats, termites and trash:

“We’ve been repeatedly asked, ‘Don’t you want to leave a better world for your grandchildren?’ And we’ve all collectively responded, ‘Eh, f*** ’em.'” – John Oliver

But hey, at least we can spend our last however many years watching Keeping Up With The Kardashians and eating Doritos.

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