Featured Vid #357 – Why So Much Tax Money Is Wasted

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There’s no debating that the United States government has a lot of money at its disposal. 3.8 trillion dollars, to be exact, and that’s on a yearly basis. 3.8 trillion is enough to buy every person in America twelve Macbook Pros every year, or 19,000 high-end, opulent yachts for public use (again, every year). The yearly budget is almost unimaginably big, and yet, every year, we seem to blow through it, even ending up with a massive debt to pay off. It seems like, despite the incredible amount of projects, programs, and other perfectly legitimate uses of government money, there is a more efficient way to handle our money, tax money in particular. At least, that’s what the Nerdwriter argues in the video above.

Evan Puschak talks about how, instead of giving out money based on a variety of independent pressures like lobbyists and public opinion, although that can certainly be part of it, that lawmakers choose the bills and programs that have science on their side. How? By testing them scientifically, of course. He explains how to do this and more in the interesting and informative video above, titled “Why So Much Tax Money Is Wasted“.

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