Featured Vid #67 – 10 Amazing Fire Tricks

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Humans have always been amazed with fire, ever since we “invented” it back in the caveman era. (don’t site me on that fact) Countless times have we created machines and tools that depend completely on the awesome powers of fire. Unfortunately, as the silicon age has taken over us, we have seemed to have forgotten exactly how amazing fire actually is. In this recent video by brusspup, a channel dedicated to showing you the best illusions and cool science tricks, you will learn how to set up and perform some pretty darn cool fire experiments.

Before I go on, I must warn you: be careful when doing these experiments. Although lighting a ping pong ball on fire doesn’t seem like such a hazardous thing to do, if you watch the video you will know that ping pong balls are forest fires waiting to happen. (that is, if you’re playing ping pong in a forest)

Anyway, brusspup shows us how to pretty easily perform some pretty amazing tricks with fire that we never knew were possible. It’s amazing that we as human beings have been able to use fire for thousands of years, and we still haven’t figured out all the cool things it can do.

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