Featured Vid #69 – Star Wars VII Teaser #2

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The Internet exploded when the first teaser for the new Star Wars VII teaser came out, and rightfully so! Any fan of the series, from the mega-fans to the average movie watcher, is excited about this upcoming movie. In the first trailer, the only big talking point was the cross-guard lightsaber, which certainly attained a lot of media attention. Recently, a new, slightly longer teaser was released, and it is certainly a great way to get people excited for the real trailers later this year.

For starters, the teaser contains a couple exiting-looking battle scenes, many new characters, new clone troopers, and even Han Solo and Chewie made an appearance at the end. The whole Star Wars universe has gone through a lot of changes since the last movie, as is obvious from the teasers, and it will be very exciting to see exactly how those changes will play out in the movie.

As much as I am grateful from just this sliver of a taste of the upcoming movie, it does seem a bit much too, essentially, release a trailer of a trailer of a movie. But hey, any clips of so much awesomeness packed into two minutes is welcome.

And if you want to see people who actually know a little about the Star Wars universe talk about the movie, check out Screen Junkies’ analysis of the teaser HERE.

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