Channel Showcase: The Daily Conversation

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Today’s modern world is progressing rapidly in a plethora of fields and technologies, so much so that it’s hard to keep up with it all. Not to mention the social, economic, and political events that shape our world each day. Managing this flood of information is the challenge of The Daily Conversation, a channel that can help you stay informed of the scientific, political, and technological status quo.

To be exact, The Daily Conversation makes a couple videos a week highlighting tech breakthroughs, future technology, science news, political explanations, and great mini-documentaries on a variety of political and technological subjects. To give you an example of the kind of videos The Daily Conversation creates, above you can watch my favorite of TDC’s videos, a 30 minute documentary of the future’s Megaprojects.

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The video lists many of the world’s planned megaprojects in the coming decades, ranging from whole cities being created to gigantic canals running the lengthĀ of a medium sized state. In the video, you will learn about a bunch of the most amazing construction projects being planned, many that are truly amazing and give you a hope for society, and some that are just cool and may not intrinsically help the world in general. It really is a captivating and interesting video, just as all of The Daily Conversation’s videos are.

Another great video The Daily Conversation made a while back was China’s “Great Firewall” Explained!, a video about the incredible censorship of the Internet in China. In the video, it is explained that China has a second great wall; their “Great Firewall”, a highly sophisticated firewall majorly restricting its citizens access to the Internet. The Daily Conversation is all about sparking a conversation about things that deserve to be talked about. It’s even in the name, and the Chinese firewall is a topic that needs discussionĀ because such a restrictive and draconian way of keeping one’s current government doesn’t fit in our modern world society. Not only is this video informative, but it is talking about a topic that needs to be talked about. You can watch it HERE.

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Overall, The Daily Conversation is a great channel. The people behind The Daily Conversation really know, well, what topics spark a conversation. From politics to science, TDC covers all areas of out modern world. Every single one of their videos are interesting, informative, and thought provoking, and they are certainly doing their part not only to create a more informed Internet population but also one that will be learned enough to help with the growing of society.

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