Featured Vid #119 – How Accurate Should Movies Be?

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Some films such Gravity, Interstellar and other sci-fi/fantasy films are constantly poked and prodded to see the exact scientific accuracy of the movie was. Many pop culture science icons like Neil DeGrasse Tyson are famous for pointing out flaws in certain movies’ scientific accuracy. But, why do people do this, and do films that are obviously fictitious really have the obligation to make their plot accurate? What would you rather have, an accurate movie, or a not-so-accurate movie with a dramatic and thrilling plot line?

This and more is discussed in PBS Idea Channel’s newest video, “How Accurate Should Movies Be?”. In the video, Mike Rugnetta talks about the impact of these movies on society, and whether or not movies like Jurassic Park needs to be more realistic, which in that case, would probably involve adding feathers to all the dinosaurs, making them not nearly as terrifying. The trade-off is something that directors and screenplay writers certainly need to think about, as it can in many cases directly influence the public’s idea on a certain lesser known profession or practice. Again, another great video by PBS Idea Channel, talking about another topic that really should be addressed.

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