Featured Vid #154 – 3 Messages We’ve Sent to Extraterrestrials

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I’ve featured many videos on this website that talks about how we are almost certainly not alone in the universe; it’s almost a given nowadays when talking about astrobiology. So now that we know that they probably exist, are we taking any steps to contact them? As it turns out yes, yes we are, and previously have, pioneered by the legendary Carl Sagan and Frank Drake. In this great video by SciShow Space, hosted by Hank Green, you’ll learn all about three different attempts we have made to contact extraterrestrial life.

As you may expect, coming up with a way to communicate with a totally different life form, that may or may not even see visible light, is very hard. We can’t use words, human measurements, or anything like that. Luckily for us, we have some of the smartest people on Earth coming up with these ways to represent our planet, so given that some alien life form receives these messages, we have a decent chance that they’ll figure it out. Of course, the chance of the messages reaching anyone in a reasonable amount of time is very unlikely, but as Hank points out in the video, the process of representing our species in a short message tells us a lot about ourselves we may not have otherwise known.

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