Featured Vid #192 – Can you solve the prisoner hat riddle?

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There are plenty of hard things in life, but most of those are hopefully not meant to be hard. There are a few things that do mean to be hard, and one of those things are riddles. Riddles are meant to make you think, come up with your own logical conclusion, and figure out something for yourself rather than being told the answer. (as, sadly, most of learning these days is like) You may not be good at riddles, but at least it’s fun to try. So, today’s featured video is a riddle in the form of a video by TED-Ed about an alien abduction.

The riddle is like this: you are one of 10 people who got abducted by aliens. Unfortunately for you, the aliens are not of the friendly kind, and would like nothing better but to eat you. But first, they have to figure out if you are intelligent, as their law states that you can’t eat intelligent life. So, they set up an experiment. They line you up from tallest to smallest, and give you all a colored hat; black or white, the colors being assigned randomly. Starting at the tallest person, so everyone can see everyone’s hats in front of them, the abductees will go down the line guessing what color hat they have, and can into get 1 out of 10 wrong. If they get more than 1 wrong they will be eaten, and they have 5 minutes to make a strategy. What do they do?

Altogether, the riddle is very interesting and ingenious, along with being conveyed in a clear and well-animated video. And if it makes you feel any better, I didn’t get it either.

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