Featured Vid #214 – Aladdin Magic Carpet Prank

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Here’s something you don’t see every day: Aladdin flying down the streets of New York City on his magic flying carpet. If you did happen to see that sight on your way to work, say, it would certainly make your day. At least, Jesse Wellens of Prank Vs Prank and vlogger/filmmaker Casey Neistat thought that it would. So, being people who like to make things like this happen, they, well… made it happen. Henceforth, today’s featured video: Aladdin Magic Carpet Prank.

With a few weeks of planning, one totally legit magic carpet (really just a electric skateboard outfitted with a homemade carpet rig), and some fantastic videography, and ta da! An video viewed 8 million times in 3 days. As Casey and Jesse later discussed in Casey’s vlog, the video had everything that makes a video go viral: novelty, a comedic aspect, and just frankly being a fun video. Those qualities, paried with an overall well done edit and great soundtrack from makes for a great video.

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