Featured Vid #229 – Einstein 100: Theory of General Relativity

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Big news everyone: Einstein’s revolutionary Theory Of General Relativity turns 100 years old today. We all worship Einstein as the epitome of genius, his equation “e=mc²” hailed as one of the most important and influential ideas of the history of science. Despite all this, General Relativity is a concept that not many of us have bothered to learn, even though it literally changes our idea of how the universe works. Accompanied with Einstein’s Theory of Special Relativity, the theory defied Newton’s almost 400-year-old theory for gravity, introducing the crazy idea of “spacetime”, a mix of the traditionally distinct space and time.

So, in celebration of the anniversary, today’s featured video teaches you all about General Relativity, and what it actually means. From the concept of spacetime to how Einstein explained gravity, the video covers it all, and an easy to understand was too, which is quite a feat for such a complicated topic. Expertly animated and excellently narrated by David Tennant (former Dr. Who), the video is very interesting, informative, and altogether a great celebration of the 100-year anniversary of Albert’s discovery.

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