Featured Vid #248 – 2015 in 4 Minutes

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Today is December the twenty-second, three days away from Christmas and 9 days away from the end of 2015. Or, rather than 9 days away from the end of the year, we could think about it as 356 days through the 365 days that make up a year, which for me really emphasizes how long a year really is. Often years can fly by; I can easily remember where I was this time last year, and in retrospect it flew by much faster than I expected it to. But, despite 2014 seeming like yesterday, 2015 was actually jam-packed with globally covered events, from the Paris shootings to the Pluto flyby to the legalization of gay marriage in the United States.

In this video by Vox, you’ll be taken on a trip through 2015. Altogether, the video does a great job of including most of the noteworthy events from the past year, as well as letting us all look back on the progress, and the setbacks, we’ve all as part of society taken in the past year.

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