Featured Vid #250 – Sainsbury’s Christmas Ad

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It’s December 24, 1914, somewhere on the Western Front in France. World War One was long underway by that point, and by that point the war had descended into trench warfare, a slow, inhumane, costly style of war. The soldiers lived and slept in dirty, cramped trenches, only around 100 meters away from the other side’s trenches. If you stuck your head over the top of the trench, there was a good chance you would be shot, not to mention what would happen if you would venture out of the trench wholly. This warfare went on for years, between 1914 to 1919, when the war ended.

So you can imagine that when Christmas came along one year in the trenches, both the Allied and the German troops were ready for some cheer and joy that usually comes along with the holidays. On Christmas Eve, what happened in many places along the Western Front is truly amazing, dramatized in this heartwarming ad by Sainsbury.

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