Featured Vid #127 – This Is You Body Over 24 Hours

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Your body is such a wonderfully complex and intricate natural machine. There is an incredible amount of little tasks and actions that take place every day in your body to just keep you alive, not to mention allow you to go about your life as a functioning adult or child. Science, more specifically biology, chemistry, and other smaller fields, have been trying to find out more about what happens in your body on a daily basis. Sort of like a behind-the-scenes of your body. In this great video by Asap Science, you will learn all about the science behind your daily routine.

In the video, Greg and Mitch from Asap Science tell us all about the little all the little things our body does to keep us up and healthy, and how we can use that science to our advantage, or at least take it in to consideration. For instance, you work out better in the afternoon due to your body temperature, and you are more tolerant to alchahol at 6 in the afternoon than in the morning. From studying to your daily cup of coffee, this video gives you a bunch of helpful and scientific insights in to your amazing body.


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